Thy Kingdom Come!

This tryptch was painted as an alternative nativity scene in the run up to the general election of 2019.  The panels show the transition from abundance to austerity and questions the role of mass media in skewing the truth and influencing the voters.  The paintings feature the infamous Brexit Bus with it’s slogan in favour of the NHS which was later proven to be a lie.  Rupert Murdoch, Vladamir Putin and Donald Trump feature as powerful outside influencers while Greta Thunberg, David Attenborough and the Earth play the role of the nativity. Key members of the Tory party past and present feature below the entrance to Eton while Labour, Green and Scottish Independance MPs carry their pleas to the public to vote with Faith, Hope and Charity. Nigel Farage is dipicted as a snake in the grass while Boris wanders off in his own direction carrying a microwave! Boris had famously described the Brexit process as like a microwave meal? This work was a way of saying there would be no saviour and that it was up to folk to take personal responsibility for their future and not be influenced by mass media when they go to vote.


Pulp Friction


Life on Mars!